Alarm Clock

Most of us have experienced the pain of lying in bed staring at the clock tick by all while feeling restlessly awake. Sleeplessness is a problem that many people experience at some point throughout their lives. There are many factors that contribute to sleeplessness such as too much caffeine, stress, anxiety, a change in routine, certain medications, or even some foods you may eat. If you’re watching the time pass by agitated by the inability to fall asleep, there are some natural sleep aides that you can try to help yourself sleep.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea has been used as a natural sleep aide for centuries now because it reduces stress and helps the muscles relax, making it easier to sleep.

Walnuts and Almonds

Both walnuts and almonds are a good bedtime snack because they contain elements like magnesium and walnuts even contain tryptophan which helps your body produce the necessary amino acids to help you fall asleep.

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils like lavender, cedar wood, vetiver, and sandalwood can help you fall asleep because their aromatic properties are relaxing and help you drift off to dream land.

Melatonin Supplements

You can purchase melatonin supplements at most drug stores and pharmacies. Melatonin is a natural substance that your body produces to help you fall asleep, so many people find melatonin supplements a helpful way to fall asleep when they are struggling with sleeplessness.

St. Johns Wart

St. Johns Wart has been known to help reduce depression and it can also help you fall asleep because of its antidepressant properties. However, some studies show that St. Johns Wart is not safe to take with birth control.

If you are experiencing serious or recurring sleeplessness, it’s always best to consult a doctor and get proper medical advice. Sleeplessness can be a symptom of a more serious underlying medical issue.