If you travel often, you may know just how easy it is to get the flu while traveling and how much more uncomfortable it can be when you are in a foreign destination. Flu is found all around the world but it is more common is some places and in certain times of the year. If you will be travelling to a foreign destination soon, there are certain things that you can do to reduce your chances of catching the flu:

The first thing you should do is to check out the flu situation in your destination area. Is there flu at the moment? Who is most affected? If there is a flu season going on then make sure that you get your shots at least 2 weeks before you travel that is how long it takes the body to produce antibodies after a flu shot.

Practice sanitary habits and you will not need urgent care for flu when you travel. You should not touch your face because that is how you transfer the virus. You should wash your hands often and if you cannot access clean water and soap you should buy a hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol. Stay away from people who look sick. You should also bring disinfectant wipes to wipe surfaces such as the airplane headrest and armrests. Basically, any surface that you will be in contact with for a long time could leave you with the flu.

Healthy habits can help you dodge the flu. You should get enough hydration, get enough sleep and eat a proper, balanced diet if you want to avoid the flu during travel.

What if you do all these things and you still get the flu? It is true that you can still get it even with the best of precautions. If you find yourself suffering the symptoms, do the following:

See a doctor for anti-viral flu medicine. Once you have the flu it is too late to get a shot but these medications will help control the symptoms.

It is advisable that you stay home for two reasons. The first is that your body needs to rest for at least 24 hours. You should stay indoors until your temperature is under control without the use of medication. The second reason is that moving around, you will give others the flu. If you really have to move you must protect others by making sure that you are adequately covered. If you cough or sneeze cover your mouth with a fresh tissue each time. Use a hand sanitizer to ensure that you dont pass on any germs. Keep in mind that you can remain infectious for up to a week so be careful not to infect others during this time.

Make sure to keep hydrated and drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

Lastly, if you are high risk over 65, pregnant and young children it is important that you see a doctor for urgent care right away should you contract the flu while travelling.