Food to Eat When Sick

In a previous post we discussed which foods to avoid when sick. In this article we will discuss some of the good foods and one specific one we love. If you happen to catch a cold or worse, the flu, a healthy diet is essential in helping you recover faster. Here are...

Which Foods to Avoid when Sick

When traveling, many people tend to acquire motion sickness, food related illnesses, allergies and even illnesses that are common to the locals. If you find yourself sick, there are certain foods that you should avoid to not further exacerbate your symptoms. While...

Frequent Traveler Jet Lag Cure

Disturbed sleep, daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and even stomach problems are a fact of life for those who travel often. Known as jet lag, this feeling occurs any time you travel quickly across two or more time zones. The more time zones you cross, the...